Happy Mother’s Day

Green My Mother’s foot falls sweep across the forest floor leaving Spring Beauties in her passing. My Mother’s laughter is woodsy green velvet and infectious tickling like the leaves of white pine. My Mother’s hands are willow branches tender like Spring’s new buds wrapping gently around my heart. I call upon my Mother whenever I

Hearken to Spring: Spring Ephemerals

Welcome Spring Spring comes with winter still in hand. Frozen to way-too-squishy mud makes for frustrating, if not entertaining, travel conditions along dirt roads. The freshet breaks through the ice (what little there may have been this year) and carries mini-icebergs to melt downstream while the anadromous fish swim their way upriver to spawn. Neo-tropical

The Avalon – Glastonbury Connection part 2

Upon reading the legends of Morgan Le Fey there is no reference of her death. What happened to her? Perhaps she retreated into the Lands of the Sidhe. Perhaps she still lives, dwelling amongst the Faie in Avalon. But Avalon was swallowed by the mists of the Lake. And where was that Lake? That Lake

Autumn Equinox: Honoring the Harvest and Changing Season

Blessed Autumn Equinox! Celebrate the Fall into Winter  – wildly, passionately, and with dignity.  See beauty in the dying; Be thankful for a good harvest; Draw in closer and snuggle with loved ones. Enjoy the below poem, “What Really Matters” and natural history article on Black Cherries, a seasonal delight. Bright Blessings, Arianna   What

The God/dess Incarnate: Meet the Lady of the Lake & the Stag King

“The Goddess as merely a concept doesn’t mean much. In order for her power to be activated, she must be channeled through real women (and men).” ~ Marianne Williamson. I resonate with the above sentiment so much. In my novel, Hearken to Avalon, the Lady of the Lake is both Goddess and representative of the